About Lit Mama

Hi There!!


I am Jamie Salter, a devoted wife to my loving husband Blake Salter, and a Lit Mama to our precious son Jamieson. My husband and I moved to Columbia from Florence AL about nine years ago, Columbia is where we have spent the bulk of our adulthood as well where we have cultivated our own identities and passions outside of home/comfort zones. 

Today I want to talk to you about leaning into your passions and understanding your assignment!

I have always thoroughly enjoyed helping others and feel most fulfilled when I am making someone else's life easier. I have been blessed to have a career within HR and Talent Acquisition for 10 years but I have been extremely blessed to have a true passion for health and wellness. How do I know that health and wellness is my passion? For the last 13+ years, I have found myself consulting and training individuals without deeming this as a profession, it just happened organically! 

Becoming a mama was one of the most life-altering and revealing moments in my life, and I am sure most women feel the same. But it truly changed my views on my career and even my health and wellness journey and perspectives. Before even having my son many individuals would self-project, especially other mamas...I am so glad that I am a headstrong woman! lol

Shortly after having Jamieson, I became a doula because I realized the importance of women having an advocate throughout their pregnancy and postpartum journey. I soon learned that this season was not a good time for me to pursue doulahood due to the importance of being PRESENT with my husband and son. However, I'm so grateful for the knowledge attained because it led me to discover Lit Mama.

What is Lit Mama?

  • Lit Mama is my brand, it is my business! 
  • Lit Mama encourages and empowers women to stay LIT.

How can one stay LIT?

  • Practicing holistic healthy habits daily to attain better physical and mental health outcomes, so that instead of just surviving, you are thriving.

What does Lit Mama currently offer?

  • Premium holistic wellness solutions
    • Sea moss gels
    • Sea moss capsules
    • Wellness consultations and personalized plans


I am a true believer in staying in constant pursuit of the pillars of wellness because we cannot pour from empty cups!

Pillars of Wellness:

Social: the relationships we have and how we interact with others.

Intellectual: Recognize your creative abilities and continuously look for activities and experiences that expand knowledge and mental skills.

Environmental: Surround yourself with pleasant, healthy, and stimulating environments

Physical: Create a life with physical activity and ample sleep.

Nutritional: Practice consuming healthy food choices, and educating yourself on how food affects your body and mind.

Emotional: Coping successfully with life's stresses and adapting to change and difficulties.

Spiritual: Paying attention to a sense of purpose and meaning in life, including morals and ethics. 

Financial: Managing your economic life for good credit, preparedness, savings, and debts.


Matthew 5:13-15

Salt and Light

13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.


I am so grateful to share a part of my life with you! I want to encourage you to always KEEP GOING. The pace or obstacle does not matter!


Stay LIT!
